2011 Aston Martin Cygnet

Class: Supermini

Origin: JP Japan

Playable and unlockable vehicle
: Buy Presidio garage



Contributor: Star Wars Fanatic

Contributor: subzero

Contributor: subzero


Author Message

US Vxctec photo_librarymode_comment

2022-11-24 06:08
Doug DeMuro really didn’t like this vehicle, although I think it is nice.

wezymh photo_librarymode_comment

2021-04-18 21:55
Antti-san wrote
Shouldn't the origin be Japan?

even if its an IQ with Toyota crossed out and Aston Martin written over it in sharpie is is still an Aston Martin and it is from the uk
CH solarriors photo_librarymode_comment

2018-06-05 18:39
Why unlockable ? how to unlock it?

UK Tuppence870 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-12-10 20:27
Tycek wrote
It's assembled in Gaydon, UK. Adequate city name I must say.

Gaydon is hardly a city. It's a small village with only 376 population, but it is home to Aston Martin, Jaguar and Land Rover.
PL Tycek photo_librarymode_comment

2013-12-10 18:29
It's assembled in Gaydon, UK. Adequate city name I must say.

FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2013-12-10 18:18
Shouldn't the origin be Japan?
Sandie photo_librarymode_comment

2012-11-24 22:57
We should have a poll about that.


-- Last edit:
2012-11-24 22:57:30
FR BritainJapan4ever photo_librarymode_comment

2012-10-10 21:00
after seeing my name, you obviously suspect that it is one of my favorite cars
ItsaUserName photo_librarymode_comment

2012-06-05 23:47
UltraRazza wrote
Well you can enjoy the Cygnet then, it's basically the same car.
BTW Cygnet = baby swan

I was being sarcastic :P
But yeah, nice little oddity for a video game.
UK UltraRazza photo_librarymode_comment

2012-06-05 21:07
Well you can enjoy the Cygnet then, it's basically the same car.
BTW Cygnet = baby swan

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2012-06-05 21:10:19
ItsaUserName photo_librarymode_comment

2012-06-05 21:03
Oh wow, I always wanted a Toyota IQ in a video game.
Hoonigan photo_librarymode_comment

2012-05-22 21:22
At the risk of much trolling... I like this.
UK UltraRazza photo_librarymode_comment

2012-04-15 18:36
You can also buy a "Launch Edition" for £39,995.

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2012-04-15 18:38:22
US ShantJ photo_librarymode_comment

2012-03-11 17:20
I want this in Forza. :D

We need an F class Aston Martin. :P
Star Wars Fanatic photo_librarymode_comment

2011-12-04 19:00
Shot replaced.
carfanatic280698 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-08-28 16:57
carfanatic280698 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-07-20 22:13
Ritsu Tainaka wrote
Concept car

Actually its not!
sandwad photo_librarymode_comment

2011-06-13 00:23
This will be a fun car to slide down the hills :lol:
US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-06-08 17:45
Yup, it's definitely a Cygnet. The following video shows the car in traffic, and during the use of the Shift feature.

NL MartinBond photo_librarymode_comment

2011-06-06 17:53
Oh god. I know what I'll be driving this game...

FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-29 05:33
Antti-san wrote
Ugh! :p

Does that suffice? ;)
stryder237 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-28 16:21
Is this good to be in the game or not?
Leave your response in the comments below. I will update it daily.

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2011-05-29 12:06:30
stryder237 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-26 17:06
Why is it classed as unlockable, change it.
US matt__jon photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-25 14:41
They probably couldn't get Toyota, so they use this instead?

FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-24 20:27
Ugh! :p

FI BeanBandit photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-24 18:58
It's just a Toyota iQ with Aston grill and leather interior.
stryder237 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-24 17:27
I dont know why its classed as unlockabe, but when I first saw this in the vid I thought it was a MPV or hatchback, not this! I thought that it might be in the game, but did not think it actually would be in it.

www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://autocarpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/2009-Aston-Martin-Cygnet-Concept-rear.jpg&imgrefurl=http://autocarpictures.com/2009-aston-martin-cygnet-concept/&usg=__g26gBt6_dJ-ihVE-aMIe5BjjDG0=&h=533&w=800&sz=55&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=U9cfrr7fQ2GwxM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=166&ei=LM_bTeHsJI-p8QPliLXqDw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Daston%2Bmartin%2Bcygnet%2Brear%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D549%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0%2C16&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=112&vpy=71&dur=63&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=162&ty=93&sqi=2&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&biw=1001&bih=510 sorry for long link. Rear lights are the same so it probally is a cygent.

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2011-05-24 17:32:18
US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-24 16:29
Actually, it might be the production model:

US Ritsu Tainaka photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-24 16:04
Concept car
ID TakuFD3S photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-24 13:51
This car is based on toyota IQ. :-)
US matt__jon photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-24 02:22
I thought this was a VW Rabbit or GTI when I saw it in the video

I first saw this car on Top Gear, and later thought, why didn't they just make a mini Vantage or something, even as a joke?

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2011-05-24 02:24:38
US ShantJ photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-23 22:34
Excellent.... :D
CA Officer Sandwiches photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-23 21:39
I burst out laughing when I noticed this in the video!
US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-23 21:34
For real? Wasn't expecting this...

PL sajmon14 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-05-23 21:25
first on site

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