1939 Auto Union Type D

Infos supplémentaires: #4 Auto Union AG

Catégorie: Voiture de Course

Origine: DE Allemagne

Véhicule jouable



Contributeur: speedfreak975

Contributeur: speedfreak975

Contributeur: speedfreak975


Auteur Message
PL MTP02 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-10-06 07:52
I just see when a car without lights debut in Horizon. Obviously will have a lights option.

LB speedfreak975 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-08-18 20:56
And thats what makes them great :p. You could still drive these in forza 7 on tracks that are barely lit like Nurburgring. They might add a lights option also
US Kroozah photo_librarymode_comment

2018-08-18 19:59
These are cool cars to have in the game for sure, but they seem a bit inappropriate for a game that has night cycles. These are racecars with no lights, so racing in the dark will be a real challenge. Maybe that's the point, though.
ZZ ALMF-3512 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-08-12 14:16
new to FH

LB speedfreak975 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-08-12 11:31
I have to say when i saw the bugatti my reaction was wait what and then saw maserati...hope for the merc. Considering Bentley played massive role in this time period...had to have some rivals

ES J-2 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-08-12 11:29
I wasn't really expecting to see all classic racers like this, the Bugatti Type35 and the Maserati 8CTF. Nice!

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