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Portal 2
Portal 2 (2011)
Country FlagJ-2
2023-12-22 01:04
Silnev a écrit
Isn't there a giant ship at one point in the old aperature section?

I think you're referring to the Borealis, it's an easter egg, but only the dock and a couple of livesavers with its name written on are to be found, no actual ship there.
Portal 2
Portal 2 (2011)
Country FlagSilnev
2023-12-21 10:39
Isn't there a giant ship at one point in the old aperature section?
Boeing Lunar Roving Vehicle
Boeing Lunar Roving Vehicle

Portal 2 (2011)
Country FlagAntti-san
2011-04-22 05:13
I think the manufacturer should be Boeing.

EDIT: And the year should be 1971. :lol:

-- Last edit:
2011-04-22 08:04:20
Boeing Lunar Roving Vehicle
Boeing Lunar Roving Vehicle

Portal 2 (2011)
Country FlagJ-2
2011-04-21 21:43
Not sure how this one is called. It´s supposed to be the Apollo missions LRV.