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Dodge Viper
Dodge Viper

Race America (1991)
Country FlagRyan2t4
2024-10-04 07:48
Viper RT/10 in US, but Corvette ZR-1 in Europe
Race America
Race America (1991)
Country FlagAginnon
2023-08-13 01:23
generalrusty78 a écrit

Was the C4 Corvette even sold in Europe?

It was, for a limited time on the continent from 1991 until 1996.
Race America
Race America (1991)
Country Flaggeneralrusty78
2023-08-12 03:39
Ryan2t4 a écrit
Also known as Corvette ZR-1 challenge in Europe. It promote Corvette ZR-1 C4

Was the C4 Corvette even sold in Europe?
Race America
Race America (1991)
Country FlagRyan2t4
2023-08-11 07:02
Also known as Corvette ZR-1 challenge in Europe. It promote Corvette ZR-1 C4