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Scania R-Series
Scania R-Series

Survival Driver 2: Heavy Vehicles (2017)
Country FlagSolanaBogon
2017-10-02 21:14
Judging from the height and the grille I'd say the first version of the R-series, but I'm not a Scania expert
Patria AMV
Patria AMV

Survival Driver 2: Heavy Vehicles (2017)
Country FlagSolanaBogon
2017-10-02 21:02
I'd say Patria AMV
Scania R-Series
Scania R-Series

Survival Driver 2: Heavy Vehicles (2017)
Country FlagM@xtimot
2017-10-02 20:45
That's a Scania,the way it has been edited looks like it has been ripped off from some truck game.

-- Last edit:
2017-10-02 22:58:51