2002 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am

Surnom: Imponte Ruiner ZZ-8

Infos supplémentaires: WS6

Châssis: V87

Mk: 4

Catégorie: Coupé

Origine: US Etats-Unis

Véhicule jouable à télécharger
: The Criminal Enterprises update



Contributeur: Silnev

Contributeur: Silnev

Contributeur: Silnev


Auteur Message

Place-Holder photo_librarymode_comment

2022-12-22 02:17
Mathias98 a écrit
This car needs a new rear picture, the new update changed the Imponte badge on the rear from chrome to black.

It's a minor change, it isn't required for a new pic.

HU Mathias98 photo_librarymode_comment

2022-12-21 19:43
This car needs a new rear picture, the new update changed the Imponte badge on the rear from chrome to black.

US generalrusty78 photo_librarymode_comment

2022-08-20 22:23
Victor_2003 a écrit
I never expected a 90s Firebird appearing in GTA V, weird how they don't used Phoenix name.

Honestly that is a question I have since GTA 4

BR Victor_2003 photo_librarymode_comment

2022-08-19 01:44
I never expected a 90s Firebird appearing in GTA V, weird how they don't used Phoenix name.

-- Last edit:
2022-08-19 01:44:51

AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

2022-08-18 19:51
Jim4800Frank a écrit
:??: Why was it spelt as "Pontaic" and no country origin?

Oh, shit. My bad, typo error.

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