Cadillac Brougham

Surnom: Limo

Infos supplémentaires: Limosine

Catégorie: Limousine

Origine: US Etats-Unis

Véhicule effacé du jeu
: Replaced the New Vehicle Model



Contributeur: Racedriver43

Contributeur: Racedriver43


Auteur Message

PL Hakari photo_librarymode_comment

2016-01-28 16:17
PikesPeak a écrit
It's not Lincoln. Obviously it's Cadillac Brougham Limosine the front and the rear screams Cadillac.

The front and the rear screams "punish the devs for stealing cars from other games":
TH PikesPeak photo_librarymode_comment

2015-12-03 23:51
It's not Lincoln. Obviously it's Cadillac Brougham Limosine the front and the rear screams Cadillac.

ID GamerFIB7590 photo_librarymode_comment

2015-10-25 02:42
Lincoln Town Car Stretched Limousine

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