1994 Ford Thunderbird NASCAR

Surnom: EA SPORTS Car

Infos supplémentaires: #98

Mk: 5

Catégorie: Voiture de Course

Origine: US Etats-Unis

Véhicule jouable à débloquer
: Go to Race Setup/Select Car screen and highlight Kenny Wallace Car. Hold X and press Up then Down.



Contributeur: Fisico9798

Contributeur: Fisico9798

Contributeur: Fisico9798


Auteur Message

DE Fisico9798 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-02-17 23:25
First secret car in NASCAR 98.
It's based on a 1994 Ford Thunderbird NASCAR (front grill) with EA SPORTS paint scheme.

To unlock the secret car, go to Race Setup/Select Car screen and highlight Kenny Wallace Car. Hold X and press Up then Down.
Now the secret car should be unlocked.

-- Last edit:
2021-08-19 22:21:42

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