1976 Ferrari 512 BB

Catégorie: Coupé

Origine: IT Italie

Véhicule jouable à télécharger
: Version 1.11 update



Contributeur: Top Gear Fan

Contributeur: Top Gear Fan

Contributeur: Top Gear Fan


Auteur Message

CA AncientProverb photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-30 19:08
EnZo96 a écrit

I was gonna say that too, I really preferred the orange ones tbh

You can change them to orange in the livery editor.

EnZo96 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-27 04:51
jus1029 a écrit
I noticed that this version has the clear, grey lights, as opposed to orange seen in GT5 and 6

I was gonna say that too, I really preferred the orange ones tbh

PH jus1029 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-26 17:59
I noticed that this version has the clear, grey lights, as opposed to orange seen in GT5 and 6

EnZo96 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-26 15:00

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