Taxi Chaos (2021)

Type : Course

Développeur: Team6 Studios

Editeur: Orange One, Lion Castle Entertainment

Plateformes: Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One

Véhicules endommageables: Non


  • Commentaires

    Auteur Message

    IT Burninrubber12345 photo_librarymode_comment

    2022-12-12 15:25
    Team6 Game Studios is one of the worst videogame developer I've ever seen.

    CL Klumb3r photo_librarymode_comment

    2022-12-11 16:41
    At least this game is fun for a while, in 6 hours I completed it 100% haha

    BR Victor_2003 photo_librarymode_comment

    2022-12-11 16:38
    The same studio who destroyed Flatout franchise with the horrendous third game.

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