Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /home/igcdrpch/www/setlangbis.php on line 2 Liste des Véhicules/Voitures de Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005)
Type : Action

Développeur: Rockstar Leeds, Rockstar North

Editeur: Rockstar Games

Plateformes: Android, iOS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP

Véhicules endommageables: Oui

Contributeurs (en cours de progression): A déterminer


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Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005)
Country FlagCOOK51991
2022-03-30 06:32
good god. what is it with the anachronisms in this game.
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005)
2022-03-29 04:49
Is it okay to add some of the cars shown on the loading screens? Like the red car that resembles on of the cars in game.

-- Last edit:
2022-03-29 04:50:28
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005)
Country FlagMathias98
2022-03-01 17:14
Victor_2003 a écrit

If these vehicles had a 3D model in the files, that is ok.

They have models, and they can be spawned with a trainer.
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005)
Country FlagVictor_2003
2022-03-01 15:45
Mathias98 a écrit
Now that the site has a category for deleted vehicles, someone could add the Panlantic van and the Bus for this game, and the FBI Rancher for Vice City Stories.

If these vehicles had a 3D model in the files, that is ok.
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005)
Country FlagMathias98
2022-03-01 12:35
Now that the site has a category for deleted vehicles, someone could add the Panlantic van and the Bus for this game, and the FBI Rancher for Vice City Stories.