Car Jack Streets (2008)

Type : Action

Développeur: Tag Games Limited

Editeur: Tag Games Limited

Plateformes: iOS, Java, DS, PS3, PSP, PS Vita

Véhicules endommageables: Oui


  • Véhicules Jouables

    International Harvester Loadstar
    Prison Bus


    Auteur Message

    BR Victor_2003 photo_librarymode_comment

    2022-08-07 02:47
    A lot of information are missing in the page, the correct date is 2008, this game had a port for Java, PSP, Nintendo DSI, PS Vita and Playstation 3. "Director's Cut" its more a title for the IOS version, the first versions of the game are called only "Car Jack Streets".
    Edit: Thanks.

    -- Last edit:
    2022-08-07 12:40:36

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