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Land-Rover Range Rover
Land-Rover Range Rover

Biohazard 4 (2005)
Country FlagCamhed_Mr.
2023-04-10 15:32
KevinRymanfan a écrit
When was it made?

Looks closest to the 94-02 generation.
Biohazard 4
Biohazard 4 (2005)
Country FlagVictor_2003
2023-03-28 20:58
Can someone add the mobile, Android and IOS plataforms? The game was ported to mobile phones aroud 2008 to 2010, the port had limited number of enimies, weapons but the story and assets are the same from console versions.
Land-Rover Range Rover
Land-Rover Range Rover

Biohazard 4 (2005)
2020-09-25 21:38
When was it made?
Opel Blitz
Opel Blitz

Biohazard 4 (2005)
Country FlagFlippedoutkyrii
2018-08-28 00:42
Hmm, looks like some backwater yokels have been keeping this particular Opel alive since the end of WW2...
Opel Blitz
Opel Blitz

Biohazard 4 (2005)
Country FlagCA_NES
2010-11-18 23:52
Lantzs09 a écrit
I rember this truck this was a Truck used in WWII.

....Yes, it was only Germanys' main workhorse vehicle
Opel Blitz
Opel Blitz

Biohazard 4 (2005)
Country FlagLantzs09
2010-11-18 17:57
I rember this truck this was a Truck used in WWII.