Sukhoi Su-35
Ace Combat (1995) | ww_sanderwolf846_ww
 2023-09-21 16:35 | by russia |
 Ace Combat (1995) | NFA
2022-12-24 12:33 | Place-Holder wrote
It's more of whatever the vehicle's manufacturer calls it. There are exceptions for custom/tuned vehicles. So can you give an example of a Nato reporting name?
Some listings of Soviet fighter planes have Fulcrum, Foxhound, Flanker, etc. as a suffix, but none of the helicopters do. |
 Ace Combat (1995) | Place-Holder 2022-12-24 10:13 | NFA wrote Do we explicitly use NATO reporting names for Soviet craft?
It's more of whatever the vehicle's manufacturer calls it. There are exceptions for custom/tuned vehicles. So can you give an example of a Nato reporting name? |
 Ace Combat (1995) | NFA
2022-12-24 09:54 | Do we explicitly use NATO reporting names for Soviet craft? |