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Morris Oxford
Morris Oxford

Papa's Pizzeria (2007)
Country FlagAnicroRB26
2021-08-27 15:53
moskagazs543 a écrit
Looks like an Trabant

Not quite. If you're talking about the Trabant 601, the grille of the 601 is square compared to Oxford's moustache-like grill, and the rear has a tailight poking out of the curve of the rear, or at least that's what I could describe it...

EDIT: You might be right, as the later iterations of Roy's car has a similar rear profile to that of the Trabant 601.

-- Last edit:
2021-08-27 15:55:31
Morris Oxford
Morris Oxford

Papa's Pizzeria (2007)
Country Flagmoskagazs543
2021-08-27 14:17
Looks like an Trabant
Papa's Pizzeria
Papa's Pizzeria (2007)
Country FlagSpeedy17
2021-08-27 05:50
I remember playing this on my laptop back then