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Chevrolet C-10
Chevrolet C-10

Kona (2017)
Country FlagGordon
2016-06-27 10:17
1965 Chevrolet C-10
Ford Galaxie
Ford Galaxie

Kona (2017)
Country Flagswindonswine
2016-06-23 19:50
I think it's a 1963 Galaxie, judging by the shape of the side trim and the lower part of the grille.
Ford Galaxie
Ford Galaxie

Kona (2017)
Country Flagalatriste2003
2016-06-23 17:24
I think the same ^
Ford Galaxie
Ford Galaxie

Kona (2017)
Country Flagsajmon14
2016-06-23 17:22
this is a 1964 Ford Galaxie
Chevrolet C-10
Chevrolet C-10

Kona (2017)
Country Flagspeedfreak975
2016-06-23 17:18
GamerFIB7590 a écrit
:o It's just a Chevrolet with some changed letters (R to L and L to R)
What an original name

Its very original :D
Chevrolet C-10
Chevrolet C-10

Kona (2017)
Country FlagGamerFIB7590
2016-06-23 17:08
:o It's just a Chevrolet with some changed letters (R to L and L to R)
What an original name
Ford Galaxie
Ford Galaxie

Kona (2017)
Country FlagAttacker1997
2016-02-20 13:10
Impala or Malibu
Ford Galaxie
Ford Galaxie

Kona (2017)
Country FlagZordid
2016-02-20 11:21
absolutly 1963 Chevrolet Impala
Ford Galaxie
Ford Galaxie

Kona (2017)
Country FlagSolanaBogon
2016-02-20 09:49
'63 Chevy