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Volkswagen Golf

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
Variant #2, with aero kit and lights:

Beater model (not used by the AI):

-- Last edit:
2023-10-24 18:03:06 (Attacker1997)

Bad Day L.A. (2006)
Leandro wrote
How do you guys realize the pics were taken from Youtube or other websites?

Well if they were stolen, why would they be accepted anyway? I know the difference between one that was captured in game and one that was taken from a YouTube playthrough or review, and this really screams into the latter. Low quality angles or any form of blur gives it away.

Watermarks count too. We established this rule a long time ago.

-- Last edit:
2023-10-24 00:20:07

Crusty Demons (2006)
Attacker1997 wrote

The images were low quality and blurry, and also some of them showed white lines and black borders

He has been told not to use images stolen off YouTube, hence why I learned my lesson. Doseisan shouldn't do so either, considering Bad Day L.A. has a lot of stolen shots.

Keep in mind that I was leading the charge on allowing players to post images of their own ability, and to prevent theft, before IGCD V3.
Volvo B12 B

Watch Dogs 2 (2016)
Ubisoft is French so the domestic name of the Volvo-based bus stays. Also, the origin does not mean where it is built. Please understand this because we do not have a 'built in' option like IMCDb does. If you ask about it on discord it will not be accepted.

Rules are rules.

-- Last edit:
2023-10-23 21:17:59

Mafia (2002)
Graf Zeppelin
Audi TT RS

Driver: San Francisco (2011)
That isn't true Vxctec. Look at these examples below: (Forza Horizon 5)

Modern ones are getting more attention such as the second gen model of the TT RS being in more games.

Even GT7 has a first-gen Audi TT, though they don't have a TT RS. See below.

-- Last edit:
2023-10-23 21:15:19
Iveco Crossway

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
No. Origin does not mean where it is built. Do not edit it.
Mercedes-Benz OH 1621

324 (2001)
Is that blood on the front?
Nissan Tsuru

Forza Horizon 5 (2021)
Not to mention they cut so many corners with cars. Was it licensing? Certainly not, since the game launched with 500 cars, and FH4 finished with at least 700 cars.

Keep in mind this was in development when Mike Brown was the creative director of PG. He made EventLab, sure, but he has also made a lot of misguided decisions with FH5 over the course of 2022, which is, but not limited to:

-Recycling cars from FH4 and pretended they were new content, when they're just straight-up ports from FH4
-The sudden appearance of Chinese cars to Forza, against anyone's will, rather than Mexican cars
-No changes to Eliminator (and the map is designed FOR Eliminator, hence why Mexico is bland)
-Misleading updates (Series 14 and 16 are arguably the worst examples)
-Disrespected the 10th Anniversary update in a bonfire

I totally get that getting Mexican cars is very much difficult and had that happened, the game would've been released in late 2022. But no, they had to release it in 2021, give us only one Mexican car which was in FM7, and called it a day.

This is in stark contrast of FH3 which was an ode to the Australian car culture. So, too did FH4, which had an impressive array of British motoring. FH5 didn't try at all until now, and I could not agree more. Not to mention they had a severely outdated list of cars, meaning they're just treating the brands they have as a charity case.

-- Last edit:
2023-10-21 22:34:43
Peugeot 205

Fumes (2021)
FSO Polonez

Fumes (2021)
FSO Polonez
Nissan Tsuru

Forza Horizon 5 (2021)
Well that's what they had to do with sourcing a decrepit car like the Tsuru (which is just a modernized version of the 1992 Sentra). Many of the Tsurus were worn out, which is precisely why T10 and Playground source pristine models for many of these vehicles - which is extremely hard to do with common items like this one since they were worn out over time.

Considering this car had over 4,000 votes on the suggestions hub I can see why the Tsuru was needed for Mexico since it was iconic there.

-- Last edit:
2023-10-21 21:22:00
GE Class GG1

LocoMania (2006)
Yutong City Master

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
From what I can tell on my limited time in the new expansion these buses only spawn in Skopje, in North Macedonia. Hence why I was in such a hurry to get everything done.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
Now that the West Balkan expansion is out now, I need some guidance on which cars spawn and what police cars are represented, because I have a lot of work to do now that RushCars has retired.

Help me out with some valuable info and it'll be worth it.

Saints Row (2022)
I don't know why the comment WolfLover94 posted was deleted, because it did make sense. Anyway, my closing thoughts and extra critique about the game, and the legacy it left behind.

Last month, news broke out about the developer, Volition closing down for good. Fans were heartbroken, especially those of who played this game franchise, Saints Row.

I totally feel your pain about the loss of Volition. It's sad. Really sad, considering this game was not only a complete disaster but also a lousy product. This entry is a long line of recent games that have been butchered by incompetence, streamlined by modern gaming's most horrible sins, watered down by turning once-great modes and activities of play into a cesspool of glitches, bugs, and crippling issues left and right, and made to cater to a burgeoning Gen-Z era of no-name trends and unwanted changes that should have been moribund a long time ago.

I did a brutal and tenacious critique of this reboot in February, using some great points that Angry Joe did when he was forced to review the game. And it still stands to this day. And now... now that the developer is dearly departed, I feel now that it is time to give in to an additional critique about this game and its legacy.

When I was younger, Saints Row 2, released in 2008 - 15 years ago - was all the rage. Literally. It was the popular sequel to the original entry, Saints Row, released exclusively to the Xbox 360 in August 2006 (It's even backwards compatible on Xbox One and Series, although the windows are glitched due to emulation). Before GTA IV, players who were patiently waiting for Rockstar's top dog at the time had to either settle for GTA San Andreas, or own several more GTA-style open world games of the day (Think of games like True Crime: New York City, Driver Parallel Lines, and Just Cause to name a few). Saints Row was the perfect stopgap during that time because it had some groundbreaking features most other games lacked or were relegated to other games, such as an inventory system for food, drink or even beer (which you can't do in GTA San Andreas because it was cut). What also made SR so special was its plethora of activities, such as drug trafficking, chop shops, hitman, insurance fraud, mayhem, and even committing store robberies at night. All of this made the original game a jack-of-all-trades saga, and with a game with good graphics of its time, along with strong dialogue and writing, plus an A-list cast of the era, it was an instant classic. It's worth checking out the original Saints Row and the sequel. Both of these games still hold up today, and worth playing more than the reboot. Saints Row The Third was a very disappointing entry, with a notably large drop of cars and slipping quality of writing, which bolstered in crass sex jokes which were admittedly hilarious at the time, but as time passed on it stopped being funny. Add the inclusion of a paramilitary group that terrorized the city of Steelport to eradicate all gangs - and even waged a monstruous, full-scale war in the city against the remants of The Syndicate's Luchadores and the Saints - that even rival those of urban warfare felt too ridiculous even for an avid Saints Row fan. Saints Row IV was slightly better given its superpowers and Matrix vibe, but by then the old era has fallen out of touch. Nearly a decade later we had some hope that Saints Row would be revived again as a reboot. But the final product of that game was nothing at all what it set out to be.

This being an ultimate critique would be an understatement, because there is literally everything wrong with this reboot. It all starts from the publisher and the German-Austrian parent company, Koch Media (they are now known as Plaion). When the main publisher, THQ, folded permanently in 2013, many of its franchises that were in the publisher umbrella were bought out by various publishers. Volition went to Deep Silver. Others were taken up by THQ Nordic, and by Embracer Group AB, who owned the majority of Koch Media. So, when the reboot was revealed, many fans were skeptical given how it would turn out. Would it end up as a Fortnite-style game? Or would it become a realistic, back-to-basics game similar to the old games? Gamescom 2021 came with the announcement of Saints Row, and fans were livid. Devotists (aka Mental Asylum escapees) who were concerned about the game's direction took to the waves and forums, and on what was then known as Twitter at the time, and voiced criticism about the game's watered down art style and presentation, and questioned why they'd call it Saints Row when half of the game isn't even close to the old games. This is the part where I'm going to tell you that Volition's responses were some of the most deplorable things I've seen regarding criticism. They were the developer's equivalent of simping, chucking out condescending remarks such as "You just don't know you want it yet", "You played it then?", with a upside down smiley emoji, "We don't think you know what Fortnite looks but you do you", and some GIFs. This behavior is worse than even the Madden, Forza or even the NASCAR simps because this is a developer we're talking about, not some random keyboard warrior (who is paid nothing) banging out misguided logic and lies. But in spite of this, many fans/devotists still wanted to give the reboot a chance and even Volition had extra time, pushing the game back from February 2022 to August 2022, to optimize the game to make it "fucking awesome". During development, the dev leads made some extremely misguided statements about what happened in the old era, and they basically stated that the original era, with Johnny Gat and co., never happened. "We totally made it up", that was a blatantly hyperbolic statement.

Needless to say it was not awesome. It certainly wasn't awesome that a game selling for 70 dollars is absolultely infested with bugs and glitches left and right, and had almost none of the personality that the old Saints Row games had set forth in 2006, let alone 2022. It is not awesome to have gameplay that is so watered down with so many design decisions that scream Fortnite than any major open-world game. And, it is certainly not awesome to have the game come with exclusive content that you need to pay more, which makes it feel like you were ripped off. There's a major problem with nearly every aspect of the game. I detailed them very much so, with the shoddy gameplay, horribly-written script, Aritifical Incompetence, vehicle physics that ignore all kinds of laws of physics, and general boredom.

Shooting any weapon in the game feels like you're shooting BBs. The gunplay is so damn floaty that it's hard to get a bead on who you're aiming to and these enemies take more bullets than Tony Montana before they go down, meaning you'd have to rely on headshots. Many of the game's small smattering of weapons are infuriatingly powerless, with little to no impact and hit feedback, and many of them cannot be customized outside of paintjobs. What's the point if the paltry upgrades make it less of a poor gun?

The driving physics are the absolute worst in any open-world action game to date. The physics seem to be a cut-and-paste job of Fast & Furious Crossroads. Smashing into other cars is more akin to a lag switch in a racing game and completely ignore all laws of physics, making it a laughable spectacle, especially if there is a row of parked cars on the street. Collisions are incredibly inconsistent, a victim of taking blase stuff off movies and shoehorning them into a game. T-bone any car and watch as the car blows up. You can even destroy massive vehicles such as the Peterliner or Cheetah with a single side collision. I'm not making this up at all.

The writing is so bad I would even praise Ubisoft's terrible dialuoge over this any day of the week. Cringey lines such as "GG", among other things make it worse. I have never seen such bad writing since Forza Horizon 5's stories. The biggest monument of failure in writing is in the mission "Going Overboard", where Kevin says this line:

"This is gonna be an epic statement. That yacht's guarded A.F."

...which then ends up being a back-and-forth banter about the abbreviation. This has the personality of a cardboard box and will leave you begging for it to end.

For the soundtrack, which is the only redeeming factor, it's quite good. My favorite station is the Cypher station because it has some awesome classic hip hop beats, such as "Party Up" by the late DMX, Delinquent Habits' banger from '96, "Tres Delinquentes", and Pharcyde's "Runnin'", off their second album, Labcabincalifornia, in 1995. Every other song was mediocre at best. But what pulled this down is the fact that while many of these songs are licensed, and in this era, streamers have to keep cash rolling, hence the safe streaming option. Volition chose to go the cheap route and not bother to include songs that didn't require royalties. In general, royalty-free songs bring something new to replace copyright-sensitive songs like "I Left My Wallet in El Segundo" or "Slam" - both from A Tribe Called Quest and Onyx, respectively. In Saints Row 2022, the copyright-free option shuts off ALL sound. No replaced music, just silence. Was Volition lazy? Yes.

Quite frankly it was tough to see a beloved franchise die on the vine like this. And especially one saddled by a talented team from the heart of Illinois who were caught in the line of fire by Embracer's restructuring.

Pour one out for this developer, and keep reliving the memories of Saints Row '06 and Saints Row 2.

-- Last edit:
2023-10-18 23:36:01
Chevrolet Colorado

Need for Speed: Unbound (2022)
Those mirrors are completely broken... did EA screw up this model?
Cadillac Series 62

Chevy Chase (1991)
So it's most likely a 50s Eldorado convertible.
Mercedes-Benz W124

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
It's awkwardly designed. I get going for a 80s sedan seems a bit hard to pull off but it seems a bit changed compared to a real W124. The custom lights are the only trim available and the rockerpanels are always white regardless of color scheme, which looks really tacky and trashy.

Interestingly they also went the extra mile and made additional modifications. Notably some models will spawn with these headlights with an X dotted across the lens, as shown below. Credit to them for including light wipers, which were phased out after the 1990s.

It also comes with spoilers and louvers. Which looks terrible in my opinion.

Sorry if these images came up huge.

-- Last edit:
2023-10-16 17:33:32
Siemens Intercity Experimental

Take the A-Train IV (1993)
Siemens ICE 1 (DB BR 401)
Custom Made Jeepney

WRC Generations (2022)
There's custom buses like this in the Philippines, so maybe that could be custom made like they are?
Lexus GS 300

Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)
Speedevil wrote
RIP burning Feroci

That was well-deserved though. Nobody wanted a burning car as a main pic, and well, stuff had to change.

Nothing lasts forever. That is an old saying that will never go away. Not in a million years. Not even in however far Futurama got to in "The Late Philip J. Fry".
Made for Game SUV

L.A. Rush (2005)
It's MFG
Harbin Y-12

Just Cause 3 (2015)
Pretty sure this is a Britten-Norman BN2 Islander

Take the A-Train IV (1993)
I believe it's this thing right here:
Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS

Forza Horizon 5 (2021)
That's because it is a British model, hence why it is RHD. Playground likely sourced a localized model as-is.

Just trying to clarify what was being said before.

Burnout 3: Takedown (2004)
Your Worst Nightmare, you should respect someone who is a moderator.

The reason why most of GTA III beta cars that did appear in the final product aren't allowed is pretty much written in the tin can. What he said about Horizon Chase in the regard here doesn't apply because they were there before. Same with ETS2 which had a few cop cars remastered or replaced.

Crazy Frog Racer (GBA) (2005)
Don't remind me of that video about the most annoying thing in the world
Pontiac Gran Prix

Police Chase 3D (2014)
In all honesty this looks like a first-gen Ford Focus sedan.
BMW 5 Touring

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
Why not? German cops have used the 5-series in service, although they don't use the wagon version shown above. Sedan model would've sufficed.

Maybe somebody who knows what police in Germany deploy and use knows, but I am a little stumped why they chose a wagon of this, and especially not this horrid model.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
With the loss of this police car in the recent maintenance update - the one for West Balkans DLC - the game is now left with just the civilian version of this car.

But to be fair the BMW 5-Series does fit well with Switzerland's police force, as they've used them as regular service. Geneva, not so much.
MCI 102 A3

Kanjozoku Game レーサー (2022)
Wait, that model came from San Andreas? Oh boy... Do we have definitive proof about it or will it be deleted?
MCI 102 A3

Kanjozoku Game レーサー (2022)
I'm honestly surprised nobody has suggested a MCI bus.
Ford Escort

Boona Racer 2000 (2000)
What a Mk.I Escort would look like in 2050, where flying cars dominate the market.
Ford Econoline

Boona Racer 2000 (2000)
Bruisemobile wrote
Ford Econoline.

Yea, a really dodgy one.

Forza Motorsport 5 (2013)
J-2 I did read your post and I definitely agree with you 100%. FM2023 is a bonafide disaster next to Redfall and any Madden released. Thank god I did not spend 100 dollars off this, and I don't get it.

I really don't get how 6 years of development (Yes, 6 YEARS) and this is what T10 had to show for it. This is utterly criminal! FM23 is far buggier than SR2022, Maddens and NASCAR 21 Ignition combined. Your points about the PC version being horrid is true.

Even speedfreak doesn't even want to do the entry because of how bad it turned out! That speaks volumes of how low a developer could do to release a game.

I'm shocked that in spite of its flaws, FH5 has drastically improved by comparison. What the hell happened?
Mitsubishi Galant

WRC Generations (2022)
Opel Omega

WRC Generations (2022)
That's an Opel Omega
Ford Mustang

CSR Racing 2 (2016)
Victor_2003 wrote

The Crew Motorfest have the convertible version.

I'm pretty sure he was referring to the coupe model, which would likely be in console games in general. Namely, Forza which would likely have the Dark Horse model.

A convertible version would not fit in many racing games.
Dodge Magnum

Forza Horizon 5 (2021)
I personally don't think doubleposting helps in that regard. As for everything else, I think this car would've served in FM23, but T10 didn't include it. Which is dumb.

I largely dislike most cars from the 2000s because they are just terrible cars, aside from iconic models like the Carrera GT. The Magnum SRT8 here is the lone exception for American cars that aren't trash.

Forza Motorsport (2023)
speedfreak975 wrote
The game seems to possibly have some visual hiccups when it comes to color grading,color representation and fidelity. So I'm going to wait a few updates and see if that changes.

Granted, that would be expected considering the game hasn't been globally released yet, only in early access. I will agree with you on that note, but what of timed events? We have an Acura that's locked behind the timegate, and by the time they sort out the visual maladies, the car won't be available anymore, and we'd have to wait for months.

Not to mention that they totally lied to us about the cars we were getting. Why can't we drive the 935, Oreca 07 that was clearly shown in pre-release material, only to suddenly withdraw it for no apparent reason and screw us over.

This BS with modern gaming needs to stop.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
Antti-san wrote
IMO, it would be nice to replace the current country pictures in "tracks or places" with the actual ingame road maps. Same for the states in American Truck Sim, as well.

Why? It doesn't make sense at all. In all honesty I don't think the ingame road maps are feasible to screencap and use as Tracks or places. And nothing lasts forever due to map reworks coming in updates, so that suggestion is kinda moot.

For one, the world map UI is kind of gray... and not visually appealing. Especially with smaller locales like Luxembourg. Scenery shots, such as monuments to a country work well here.

And these 'welcome to' state signs in ATS have traditionally been here for a while, so I wouldn't change it.
Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS

Forza Horizon 5 (2021)
This will be a blast to drive.

It's also interesting to note this is a British-specification model of the GT4RS. Meaning it is RHD and has the recycled FH4 Euro license plate.
Volkswagen Golf R

Forza Horizon 5 (2021)
Actually this is in Forza Motorsport 2023, and available to buy.

Don't know why PG wound up making this paywall DLC in the first place. :/
Toyota Corolla

Mafia III (2016)
Eh, not really. Still a mk1 Corolla to me.

Confrontation: The Battle for Black Gold (2005)
Russian/Original name (as described on the cover above): Protivostoyanie: Bitva za Chenoe Zoloto

Is that correct? Forgive me for not being fully fluent in Cyrillic letters.

-- Last edit:
2023-10-06 22:49:21

Forza Horizon 5 (2021)
Bringing the Tsuru is a welcome change for this game.

Also, we got another DLC pack.

-2020 KTM X-Bow GT2
-2021 Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS (UK-Spec)
-2022 VW Golf R
-Elemental RP1 (British manufacturer, name was found in files)
Chevrolet Camaro

Ion Fury (2019)
On the actual video this actually has the spoiler and hood scoop meaning this is a circa 1991 Z28 model.
Buick Skylark

Ion Fury (2019)
Found your car in the video, mate. It's a '86 Buick Skylark.
Volkswagen Golf

Schwebebahn-Simulator 2013 (2013)
It is a VW Golf, most likely a 6th generation model. Five door Polo models have a third window on the side.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | ... | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129