1992 Nissan Silvia

Extra info: CLUB K's

Chassis: S13

Mk: 5

Class: Coupé

Origin: JP Japan

Playable vehicle



Contributor: J-2

Contributor: J-2

Contributor: J-2


Author Message

BE Speedevil photo_librarymode_comment

2016-08-30 21:48
J-2 wrote
No, that's the S14, of which we don't have a pic yet.

Okay. I got them mixed up, never played a Forza before so I thought it was the S13 that wasn't in the series.

ES J-2 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-08-30 20:15
No, that's the S14, of which we don't have a pic yet.

BE Speedevil photo_librarymode_comment

2016-08-30 20:14
Unlockable. You have to win it in the Forzathon.

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