1994 GMC Sierra

Surname: Animal Control Vehicle

Extra info: C-2500 SL

Chassis: GMT480

Class: Pick-up

Origin: US USA

Playable and downloadable vehicle



Contributor: J-2

Contributor: J-2


Author Message

CZ JFK photo_librarymode_comment

2015-06-23 22:44
J-2 wrote
Fixed, thanks!

You´re welcome

ES J-2 photo_librarymode_comment

2015-06-23 22:38
Fixed, thanks!

CZ JFK photo_librarymode_comment

2015-06-23 22:21
You mispelled model name - it is Sierra, not Siera. No big deal for me, just for you to know ;)

ES J-2 photo_librarymode_comment

2015-06-23 22:14

-- Last edit:
2015-06-23 22:14:06

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