Mercedes-Benz SL

Surnom: Luxury Car

Châssis: R230

Catégorie: Coupé

Origine: DE Allemagne

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Contributeur: burn rubber


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UK Tuppence870 photo_librarymode_comment

2023-03-16 13:59
Not that I want to add fuel to this argument, but this car's boxy design probably leans more towards the older R129 SL than the R230

AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

2023-03-16 12:37
Tove a écrit

Just label it ''made for game'' if you are so lazy and ONLY put actual names up WHEN you find a 1 on 1 match!

Not every car on this site, especially unlicensed models, are going to be 1:1 matches. By it's nature we try to make educated guesses on what the vehicle is meant to be based on from what is presented.

That said, the game car is clearly meant to be a Merc SL.

If you feel otherwise than you can post as such, however do not be rude to others while doing so.

BR Victor_2003 photo_librarymode_comment

2023-03-16 12:23
Gusar a écrit
Reading into these absurd names on this website, of vehicles I guess if this is a Mercedes because of the color and grill then I can also be another edgy elitist ignoramus and call this car an actual Qvale Mangusta just because I can LMAO

One more with the boiling nerves, calm there warm, because who is being ignorant "edgy elitist" is you with this comparison without sense, exaggerated and absurd. I feel that some cars on this page are listed wrong but this case of The Sims is exception, most here do not make reasonable compareds with the ass to list cars the way you think.

BR Victor_2003 photo_librarymode_comment

2023-03-16 12:10
Tove a écrit

You people on here should seriously get your eye sight eximened before posting about designs or anything at this point.

I looked up again this car you speak of and found a similar vent on one Merc model however it's in reverse...

It's NOT IDENTICAL! even in a slightest!

A reversed obscurely shaped vent then put in reverse on a model and painting it silver automatically DOESN'T MAKE it a Mercedes!!!

The shape, layout and every bit and piece of this car have nothing to do with Mercedes whatsoever!

Even a car like Toyota MR2 that still is quite different from this model is the closest match then a silly mention like Mercedes...

Seriously people, do you even use your eyes and do a research or just label a car by the 1st thing that comes up to your mind?!
and never fix a damn thing too...

Just label it ''made for game'' if you are so lazy and ONLY put actual names up WHEN you find a 1 on 1 match!

You are the one who needs to have your eyes examined here to wash away your ignorance and frustration of always making comments in a mocking tone and insults for not agreeing with your arrogant line of thought, laziness is what you have to think about, what the fact that the grilles are not in the correct position does not invalidate that it was not based on the real car, following its logic, Driv3r's Shelby Cobra does not look like the real car due to the fact that it has the front end of a Jaguar E-Type. This car from The Sims does not have any elements similar to the Toyota MR2 or any JDM car for the simple fact that the design does not fit at all with the mentioned vehicles, not only because of the grilles or the color of the car, the front is too long to The rear is short, contrary to the MR2's smaller design and not intended to be a luxury car. When a developer wants to put a real car without a license into a game, he leaves several references in the design and name, if you don't see the obvious, you are the one who needs an eye exam.

-- Last edit:
2023-03-16 12:33:40
Gusar photo_librarymode_comment

2023-03-15 22:32
Reading into these absurd names on this website, of vehicles I guess if this is a Mercedes because of the color and grill then I can also be another edgy elitist ignoramus and call this car an actual Qvale Mangusta just because I can LMAO

-- Last edit:
2023-03-15 22:33:38

Tove photo_librarymode_comment

2023-03-15 20:04
Victor_2003 a écrit

A lot of brands produces luxury cars but only the Mercedes-Benz SL model its identical to this vehicle. Like i writed, the vents its a ramdom detail to make the the vehicle less identical, but the body design, grills and bumpers details still is similar to a SL from later 90s-mid 2000s. Tuners cars its more focused in japanese coupes and rarely was used roadsters like Honda S2000, so that can't be a tuner. You can search for a lot of roadsters, but no one had the similarities that the SL had.

You people on here should seriously get your eye sight eximened before posting about designs or anything at this point.

I looked up again this car you speak of and found a similar vent on one Merc model however it's in reverse...

It's NOT IDENTICAL! even in a slightest!

A reversed obscurely shaped vent then put in reverse on a model and painting it silver automatically DOESN'T MAKE it a Mercedes!!!

The shape, layout and every bit and piece of this car have nothing to do with Mercedes whatsoever!

Even a car like Toyota MR2 that still is quite different from this model is the closest match then a silly mention like Mercedes...

Seriously people, do you even use your eyes and do a research or just label a car by the 1st thing that comes up to your mind?!
and never fix a damn thing too...

Just label it ''made for game'' if you are so lazy and ONLY put actual names up WHEN you find a 1 on 1 match!

BR Victor_2003 photo_librarymode_comment

2023-01-22 22:54
Tove a écrit
@Victor_2003 Not only Mercedes made luxury cars. Lexus, Hyundai and bunch others have luxury lines too since 80s for example.

Besides no matter what they named it still looks completely silly and out of place. Looks like a roadster with a roof on. Perhaps more like a silly tuner car.

Plenty of cars have vents ... Nothing on this game car shares even 1% with that Mercedes. And naming it Luxury Car is just projecting you to asociate with things like Mercedes.

It's really a blend of different car parts and due to being so boxy it looks quite outdated 80s and 90s had boxy cars but even in 90s cars started to look more roundish.

The front headlights grill and bumper also remind me of something I seen only on Daewoo, Hyundai cars. But can't find the model nor bodyjob.

I would say it's more like a boxy car turned into a tuner car then anything else. I bet I can find this in my old tuner cars albums then searching for actual cars.

A lot of brands produces luxury cars but only the Mercedes-Benz SL model its identical to this vehicle. Like i writed, the vents its a ramdom detail to make the the vehicle less identical, but the body design, grills and bumpers details still is similar to a SL from later 90s-mid 2000s. Tuners cars its more focused in japanese coupes and rarely was used roadsters like Honda S2000, so that can't be a tuner. You can search for a lot of roadsters, but no one had the similarities that the SL had.

Tove photo_librarymode_comment

2023-01-22 18:29
@Victor_2003 Not only Mercedes made luxury cars. Lexus, Hyundai and bunch others have luxury lines too since 80s for example.

Besides no matter what they named it still looks completely silly and out of place. Looks like a roadster with a roof on. Perhaps more like a silly tuner car.

Plenty of cars have vents ... Nothing on this game car shares even 1% with that Mercedes. And naming it Luxury Car is just projecting you to asociate with things like Mercedes.

It's really a blend of different car parts and due to being so boxy it looks quite outdated 80s and 90s had boxy cars but even in 90s cars started to look more roundish.

The front headlights grill and bumper also remind me of something I seen only on Daewoo, Hyundai cars. But can't find the model nor bodyjob.

I would say it's more like a boxy car turned into a tuner car then anything else. I bet I can find this in my old tuner cars albums then searching for actual cars.

BR Victor_2003 photo_librarymode_comment

2023-01-21 21:13
Tove a écrit
I honestly don't know who the hell on here approves these silly mentioned names without even looking it up at all....

This doesn't look like anything mentioned so far, even in a slightest. Mercedes?! nope


Looks (the shape and sides) more like a mixture of Toyota MR models or some other similar 80s and some 90s Japanese cars, with a headlights being a creative freedom, perhaps something that could be found on Daewoo or maybe Kia cars. Idk cant find it for sure at the moment.

But the overall 3D model of this car looks like the creator had a stroke and hit render ... None of this design and body layout makes any sense. Like wtf is that ''door'' even

So that is it for now, also there is no image from the back it would greatly help to put an closure to this.

But I still vote this being pretty much a mix of cars not specifically one car really. Especially not a Mercedes ...

The vehicle body format and design its modeled to remember a Mercedes vehicle, the "Luxury Car" name reinforce a reference to a luxury vehicle, doesn't had another vehicle produced before 2011 that reminds this car, only the SL model had identical characteristics to it. The bizarre side vents, side windows format and headlights doesn't matter since they are fantasious, the body design, the gate and bumper details still is to looks the Mercedes:

Tove photo_librarymode_comment

2023-01-21 20:07
I honestly don't know who the hell on here approves these silly mentioned names without even looking it up at all....

This doesn't look like anything mentioned so far, even in a slightest. Mercedes?! nope


Looks (the shape and sides) more like a mixture of Toyota MR models or some other similar 80s and some 90s Japanese cars, with a headlights being a creative freedom, perhaps something that could be found on Daewoo or maybe Kia cars. Idk cant find it for sure at the moment.

But the overall 3D model of this car looks like the creator had a stroke and hit render ... None of this design and body layout makes any sense. Like wtf is that ''door'' even

So that is it for now, also there is no image from the back it would greatly help to put an closure to this.

But I still vote this being pretty much a mix of cars not specifically one car really. Especially not a Mercedes ...
AU dragonboy photo_librarymode_comment

2014-08-02 14:15
Yep, R230 Mercedes Sl
IT -ax91 photo_librarymode_comment

2014-08-02 11:41
Mercedes SL?
PT Ford78 photo_librarymode_comment

2014-08-01 23:01
burn rubber a écrit

Oh. Ok, how can I change it?

Only admins can do that.
PT Ford78 photo_librarymode_comment

2014-08-01 12:53
burn rubber a écrit
I said it was a Mercedes Benz slr mclaren. Why did it change to unknown?

Because it isn't an SLR Mclaren. Looks like an Mercedes-Benz SLK or an Maserati Spider to me.

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