1967 Oldsmobile Cutlass

Mk: 2

Class: Sedan

Origin: US USA

Unplayable vehicle



Contributor: no_car


Author Message
TR BugraVarol photo_librarymode_comment

2009-06-15 16:59
It cannot be a 67 model car, the doors are from Opel Omega.
ES lastinpurple photo_librarymode_comment

2007-12-28 14:54
This should be listed as a BMW and not as a Cutlass because it only has the Cutlass front
EU booster photo_librarymode_comment

2007-06-01 16:07
1967 Oldsmobile Cutlass' front-end indeed, but cant say anything about the side view... a Jag? Who knows

-- Last edit:
2007-06-01 16:08:03

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