1941 Flender Werke AG Type VIIC

Surname: U-307

Extra info: Unterseeboot

Class: Submersible

Origin: DE Germany

Playable vehicle



Contributor: Epicstormchaser

Contributor: Epicstormchaser

Contributor: Epicstormchaser


Author Message

US Epicstormchaser photo_librarymode_comment

2024-09-13 22:57
Type VIIC U-Boat, Flender Werke 1941

Unable to Go into water for full images so deck shots will need to make do. (Bow Image Torwards Tower, Aft Image Torwards Tower, Tower Image Torwards Bow)

Ship is full interior but for the sake of cleanliness I will not be posting photos of the entire interior.

* Currently Has the Wrong Tower

-- Last edit:
2024-09-14 05:24:50

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