1992 Nissan R92CP

Infos supplémentaires: 'Black Cars'

Catégorie: Voiture de Course

Origine: JP Japon

Véhicule jouable



Contributeur: JirapatVR4

Contributeur: JirapatVR4


Auteur Message

NG Aaron46 photo_librarymode_comment

2024-04-28 18:34
Silnev a écrit
If the unlock method is "buy it" then you don't include that.

This is a black car. Appears every 700 days, along with the black 787B, GT-One, and R89C.

It's rare, so just grab one.

AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

2024-04-28 13:52
If the unlock method is "buy it" then you don't include that.

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