2000 TVR Cerbera Speed 12

Surnom: Cobretti Severus

Catégorie: Coupé

Origine: UK Royaume-Uni

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Contributeur: Star Wars Fanatic


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enzo96 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-10-06 03:00
Well I wish there was a rear shot, I haven't played this since awhile, but I'm sure a TVR isn't the closest, I still can't see it, and the headlights are oddly hideous

BE Speedevil photo_librarymode_comment

2016-10-05 20:59
I can see why it's listed as a Speed 12 because the headlights and splitter are a bit similar. That's everything that looks like the TVR though.

enzo96 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-10-05 20:23
JDMracerocket96 a écrit
Enzo are you blind look at the front thats clearly a speed 12 front end.

You are totally wrong, and must be blind if you still thinks it's resembles the TVR speed 12

I compared both with similar front angles and nothing of it screams a TVR at all, this is either from a unknown car or a made for game
US JDMracerocket96 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-09-04 19:10
Enzo are you blind look at the front thats clearly a speed 12 front end.

EnZo96 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-09-04 19:05
Not even close to TVR, whoever set this to one must've been Blind :I
US JDMracerocket96 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-03-08 22:17
AU dragonboy photo_librarymode_comment

2010-09-02 14:28
Its a TVR
PT Ford78 photo_librarymode_comment

2010-08-19 23:18
redlineviper photo_librarymode_comment

2010-08-13 19:21
looks like a mix of a tvr cerbera speed 12 and a tuscan

US strike9 photo_librarymode_comment

2010-08-07 06:14
the front lights remind me of tvr cebera speed 12
Star Wars Fanatic photo_librarymode_comment

2010-08-06 22:58
Just announced as an upcoming downloadable vehicle.

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