2018 MINI John Cooper Works Buggy

Infos supplémentaires: X-Raid Team MINI John Cooper Works Buggy

Catégorie: Voiture de Course

Origine: UK Royaume-Uni

Véhicule jouable à débloquer



Contributeur: GD-6493


Auteur Message

JP airiosaka photo_librarymode_comment

2021-10-29 16:27
GD-6493 a écrit

Don't worry,maybe netease will cripple this,just like the 暗夜魅影(3rd Excalibur).XD

The Defender owners may be like "**** ur mom Netease!! Refund me!!!" now...
Plus, I think Netease really should learn from Rick Astley now, cuz he will never gonna let you down

-- Last edit:
2021-10-29 16:27:51

CN GD-6493 photo_librarymode_comment

2021-10-29 16:00
airiosaka a écrit
Nice car, but probably it will let those players who bought the Defender down...

Don't worry,maybe netease will cripple this,just like the 暗夜魅影(3rd Excalibur).XD

JP airiosaka photo_librarymode_comment

2021-10-29 06:27
Nice car, but probably it will let those players who bought the Defender down...

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