1930 GMC Model 6

Surnom: Shubert Six Taxi

Infos supplémentaires: Series H

Catégorie: Berline

Origine: US Etats-Unis

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UK ukcarnut photo_librarymode_comment

2020-10-12 22:43
1927 Checker Model G

-- Last edit:
2020-10-12 22:44:29

US LeakyLine photo_librarymode_comment

2020-09-27 09:30
Better photos


FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-17 13:17
Ok, thanks.
BE Jessinessabri photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-17 11:40
Antti-san a écrit
Where's the surname from?

In the definitive edition's of Mafia 2 and Mafia 3, you get this car if you bought the trilogy pack. In Mafia 2 and 3 it's called the 'Shubert Six Cab'. So it will probably be the same in this game.

FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-16 13:28
Where's the surname from?

twilight sparkplug photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-19 01:47
hmm wait a second. Now that I look the grill shape and side vents are very close in design to the Schubert Six in the first game alatriste2003 pointed to.
I just did not really think about it and assumed it would be the same model as the previous game. Maybe there are multiple taxis?

In that case I would say its most likely a Chevrolet Special?
BE Jessinessabri photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-18 11:34
twilight sparkplug a écrit

Even tho the file was. Blackhawk. ha. upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Stutz_Blackhawk.jpg

this one? Not sure if its based on the same model.. they might have just built it from references of the old one? could be some weird game of telephone type stuff.

Getting a little bit of a dodge/chevrolet vibe from the grill tho. always hard to identify with such similar style bodies of the time.

It's like they used parts of various different cars to create it.

twilight sparkplug photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-18 11:19
Jessinessabri a écrit

Even tho the file was. Blackhawk. ha. upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Stutz_Blackhawk.jpg

this one? Not sure if its based on the same model.. they might have just built it from references of the old one? could be some weird game of telephone type stuff.

Getting a little bit of a dodge/chevrolet vibe from the grill tho. always hard to identify with such similar style bodies of the time.

-- Last edit:
2020-05-18 11:28:46
BE Jessinessabri photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-15 01:16
In the original Mafia, the model of this car was described as a Studebaker Dictator: www.google.com/search?q=studebaker+dictator+1929&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk02077f6Y1mErSlg5Xd_hxVgnUsP3Q:1589498148871&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=gA7bC75XNzDTYM%253A%252Clm05-PR3mvXAFM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSP5oOFoaCD68thNVgjxbANJeAqtQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiljaOEvrTpAhVqzoUKHTPwB9gQ9QEwBHoECAgQFw#imgrc=gA7bC75XNzDTYM:

ES alatriste2003 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-14 11:02
Chevrolet Special? Looks similar: www.igcd.net/vehicle.php?id=11521

-- Last edit:
2020-05-14 11:09:34

AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-14 10:43
1930 GMC Model 6 Series H:

aka the cab from, it's a wonderful life.
FR SolanaBogon2 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-14 10:40
will replace the Falconer Yellowcar ( www.igcd.net/vehicle.php?id=11988 ), mais now does not really like a '29 Studebaker Dictator anymore

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