Rover 220 Coupé

Surnom: ChoroQ040

Infos supplémentaires: GSi Turbo

Châssis: R8

Mk: 2

Catégorie: Coupé

Origine: UK Royaume-Uni

Véhicule jouable à débloquer



Contributeur: temerario

Contributeur: temerario


Auteur Message
US CA_NES photo_librarymode_comment

2009-07-05 21:22
I agree, good find. You'll have to excuse my lack of Rover knowledge, living in the states I only know about 300C's with 22"s :lol:

-- Last edit:
2009-07-05 21:23:00

UK TA-caprice-XI photo_librarymode_comment

2009-07-05 13:07
CA_NES a écrit
The vehicle description is "Hot British design" and remember, these are Choro Q's, the rear doors on sedans will be small or even missing sometimes.

I'm aware of that, however, all the other cars look almost identical to the cars that they are based on, this still looks nothing like a Carlton. I agree with Takumi, it has more in common with the Rover - a British car, need I add.

FR takumi photo_librarymode_comment

2009-07-05 12:25
Rover 220 Gsi Turbo

FR takumi photo_librarymode_comment

2009-07-04 22:10
Rover 2500 ?
US CA_NES photo_librarymode_comment

2009-07-04 22:05
The vehicle description is "Hot British design" and remember, these are Choro Q's, the rear doors on sedans will be small or even missing sometimes.
IT Neon photo_librarymode_comment

2009-07-04 15:32
I say Hyundai Scoupe

UK TA-caprice-XI photo_librarymode_comment

2009-07-04 14:48
This doesn't really look like a Carlton, besides, wasn't the Carlton a 4 door? This looks more like a 2-door coupe.

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