1975 Volvo 242

Infos supplémentaires: DL

Catégorie: Coupé

Origine: SE Suède

Véhicule jouable à débloquer
: Unlocked at REP Level 22



Contributeur: Konkordski

Contributeur: Konkordski


Auteur Message

CZ JFK photo_librarymode_comment

2019-11-27 05:06
TheGreaser a écrit

No. It's a certain troll that has the first three letters as c-h-e and ends with "19" that needs to begone.

chesty bad, what a bold statement, i havent heard that from you for the last 5 minutes so i almost forgot.

BR Attacker1997 photo_librarymode_comment

2019-11-26 15:56
Both needs to be gone

UK konkordski photo_librarymode_comment

2019-11-26 11:35
pongmai510 a écrit

begone, bot.

UA RollsRoyceMusic photo_librarymode_comment

2019-09-07 00:13

an round-headlights volvo 242

this gonna be my sleeper and gonna race against shitty aventadors

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