Ford 5000

Surnom: Tractor

Catégorie: Véhicule agricole

Origine: US Etats-Unis

Véhicule jouable



Contributeur: subzero

Contributeur: SolanaBogon


Auteur Message
US somedaysuddenly photo_librarymode_comment

2013-03-13 03:26
Commonly found in the countryside.
RU Maltravers photo_librarymode_comment

2012-06-17 16:11
'1964 Ford Major (US version of Ford 5000). Origin: UK, made for USA.

US strike9 photo_librarymode_comment

2010-06-16 19:18
Special Features

Move left joystick up and down to move the tow bar up and down
Can tow other vehicles
The tow truck can also do these things
Their is also a few implements around tha can be pulled with this
US chevyman105 photo_librarymode_comment

2010-01-07 00:33
Ford 1100?
AU dragonboy photo_librarymode_comment

2009-03-09 08:59
I definitely have to agree with macco and the ford 5000
BR Caio Fivetech photo_librarymode_comment

2008-10-07 18:24
John Deree
BR Caio Fivetech photo_librarymode_comment

2008-10-07 18:24
Marsey Furgison

New Holand...

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