LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2016)

Type : Action

Développeur: TT Fusion

Editeur: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Plateformes: Mac, Wii U, PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Véhicules endommageables: Oui


  • Véhicules Jouables

    Star Wars 74-Z Speeder Bike
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    Star Wars 74-Z Speeder Bike
    Junker Speeder Bike
    Star Wars 74-Z Speeder Bike
    Rusty Speeder Bike
    Star Wars 74-Z Speeder Bike
    Snow Speeder Bike
    Star Wars A/SF-01 B-wing
    Star Wars A/SF-01 B-wing
    Rebel Alliance B-Wing (Microfighter)
    Star Wars AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport
    First Order Transport
    Star Wars AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport
    First Order Transporter (Microfighter)
    Star Wars AT-AT
    Imperial AT-AT (Microfighter)
    Star Wars AT-ST
    Imperial AT-ST (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Baleen-class Heavy Freighter
    Star Wars Baleen-class Heavy Freighter
    The Eravana (Microfighter)
    Star Wars BTL-A4 Y-wing
    Star Wars BTL-A4 Y-wing
    Rebel Alliance Y-Wing (Microfighter)
    Star Wars CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle
    Star Wars CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle
    Meson Martinet (Microfighter)
    Star Wars CT-900 Freighter
    Star Wars CT-900 Freighter
    Star Scavenger (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Daggerstar
    Lhosan Industries Podracer
    Star Wars Death Star II
    Star Wars Death Star II
    The Death Star II (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Delta-7B Aethersprite-class
    Ackbar's Starfighter
    Star Wars Delta-7B Aethersprite-class
    Ackbar's Starfighter (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor
    Jedi Interceptor
    Star Wars Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor
    Jedi Interceptor (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Firespray-31-class
    Star Wars Firespray-31-class
    Slave I (Microfighter)
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    Takodana Cruiser
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    Takodana Cruiser (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Guavian Marauder
    Star Wars Guavian Marauder
    Guavian Marauder (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Jakku Raider Speeder
    Strus Clan Speeder
    Star Wars Jakku Raider Speeder
    Strus Clan Speeder (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Jakku Scavenger
    Star Wars Jakku Scavenger
    Jakku Scavenger (Microfighter)
    Star Wars LAAT/i Gunship
    Republic Gunship
    Star Wars LAAT/i Gunship
    Republic Gunship (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle
    Imperial Shuttle
    Star Wars Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle
    Imperial Shuttle (Microfighter)
    Star Wars LIUV
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    Star Wars LO-KD57 Sail Barge
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    Star Wars Rebel Alliance Transport
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    Prana Predator (Microfighter)
    Star Wars Rebel Alliance Transport
    Rebel Transport (Microfighter)
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    Resistance Transport (Microfighter)
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    Star Wars T-47 Airspeeder
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    Star Wars T-70 X-wing
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    Star Wars T-70 X-wing
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    Star Wars T-70 X-wing
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    Star Wars T-70 X-wing
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    Star Wars TIE/sf Space Superiority Fighter
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    Star Wars TUG-b13
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    Star Wars VCX-100 Light Freighter
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    Star Wars YT-1300 Millennium Falcon
    Millennium Falcon (Microfighter)
    Star Wars YT-1300 Millennium Falcon
    Millennium Falcon Classic (Microfighter)


    Auteur Message

    UK clandohoome photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-08-12 23:11
    Klumb3r a écrit

    I have the game on Steam with all the DLCs, but I've never played it. Which DLCs are the exclusives, and what do I need to do to see the vehicles?

    Neat! The Vulture Droid comes with the Droids Character Pack, and the CR90 Corvette comes with the Phantom Limb level (but you'll have to complete the level to unlock it). For the full-size ships, the only way I've found to get a clear shot of the front is by Free Play-ing the last section of the Prologue level, there's a cutscene when you reach the core of the Death Star. The Microfighter ships can be spawned anywhere outside of levels.
    There's also a Class-6 Escape Pod in The Phantom Limb I haven't seen elsewhere in the game.

    -- Last edit:
    2024-08-13 00:34:17

    CL Klumb3r photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-08-12 21:13
    clandohoome a écrit
    Picked up the season pass on sale. Unfortunately I've got an Xbox; there's two DLCs that are exclusive to Playstation/PC that add a CR90 Corvette and a Vulture Droid.

    I have the game on Steam with all the DLCs, but I've never played it. Which DLCs are the exclusives, and what do I need to do to see the vehicles?

    UK clandohoome photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-08-12 20:24
    Picked up the season pass on sale. Unfortunately I've got an Xbox; there's two DLCs that are exclusive to Playstation/PC that add a CR90 Corvette and a Vulture Droid.

    UK clandohoome photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-07-26 18:16
    Apologies that the pictures for the spaceships aren't great - they can only be played in the space levels where the camera is fixed behind, but there is one level with a cutscene where the camera pans around your ship and you get a <1 second window of a decent angle of the front. I played through the level with each ship and recorded clips of the cutscene so I could get screencaps of the best frame, but the footage came out a bit compressed. There's also Microfighter versions of each ship, but fortunately these can be spawned in the hub worlds so I'll be able to get better screenshots.

    For the unknown vehicles, I'm not sure whether they're background ships from the movie, from the wider Star Wars extended universe, or just Made for Game.

    -- Last edit:
    2024-07-26 18:16:58

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