Smashy Road: Wanted 2 (2021)

Type : Action

Développeur: BearBit Studios

Editeur: BearBit Studios

Plateformes: Android, iOS

Véhicules endommageables: Oui


  • Véhicules Jouables

    Made for Game Hovercraft
    Made for Game Yacht

    Véhicules Non Jouables

    Made for Game Boat


    Auteur Message

    US Vxctec photo_librarymode_comment

    2023-07-19 05:05
    The gameplay overall is nice, I played it back in 2021. It could add some highways and overpasses, though, including more traffic vehicles and functioning traffic control devices.

    US Skip the fox photo_librarymode_comment

    2023-07-17 07:30
    stopthecar a écrit
    what about the other vehicles?
    police car = ford taurus or crown victoria
    Police suv and swat suv= ford explorer
    SWAT truck and sri truck = lenco bearcat
    SRI car= cadillac or mercedes benz

    I stopped updating this thing a while ago. I need to start doing it again tho..
    US Imgonnasee2 photo_librarymode_comment

    2023-07-07 20:18
    I’ll try to add them soon

    CO stopthecar photo_librarymode_comment

    2023-07-07 19:09
    what about the other vehicles?
    police car = ford taurus or crown victoria
    Police suv and swat suv= ford explorer
    SWAT truck and sri truck = lenco bearcat
    SRI car= cadillac or mercedes benz

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