Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /home/igcdrpch/www/setlangbis.php on line 2 Liste des Véhicules/Voitures de The Darkside Detective
The Darkside Detective (2017)
Type : Puzzle

Développeur: Spooky Doorway

Editeur: Akupara Games

Plateformes: PC

Véhicules endommageables: ?

Contributeurs (en cours de progression): A déterminer


Page liée Auteur Message
The Darkside Detective
The Darkside Detective (2017)
Country FlagFlippedoutkyrii
2022-07-07 06:04
As for destructible cars, I guess? So far, two of them are required to be wrecked to progress through the story.
The Darkside Detective
The Darkside Detective (2017)
Country FlagSM99
2022-03-26 04:51
Flippedoutkyrii a écrit
Just saw Pushing Up Roses recommend this game, guess someone else here is a fan of her channel too?

I Did and yes I am a fan. I just want know the police car they use lol
The Darkside Detective
The Darkside Detective (2017)
Country FlagFlippedoutkyrii
2022-03-26 02:01
Just saw Pushing Up Roses recommend this game, guess someone else here is a fan of her channel too?
The Darkside Detective
The Darkside Detective (2017)
Country FlagSM99
2022-03-25 13:24
feel free to add cars, I know there's a few in this game I think