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SimCopter (1996)

US Your Worst Nightmare photo_librarymode_comment

2023-12-21 15:15
tracks are custom made by player (whatever is created in Simcity 2000)

SimCopter (1996)

AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

2023-12-21 11:27
Needs a track/location before it can be labeled as complete.

SimCopter (1996)

US Your Worst Nightmare photo_librarymode_comment

2023-12-20 20:28
Cessna 152

SimCopter (1996)
UK vw photo_librarymode_comment

2023-10-15 18:47
Cessna 172
Cessna 152

SimCopter (1996)
Biponacci photo_librarymode_comment

2023-10-15 05:38
What a cursed abomination this is!

Unless someone knows of an aircraft that actually looks like this, I'm saying MFG