Pozzi MotorSports Camaro

Infos supplémentaires: RS

Mk: 2

Catégorie: Coupé

Origine: US Etats-Unis

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Contributeur: Silnev

Contributeur: Silnev

Contributeur: Silnev


Auteur Message

Noko Tau photo_librarymode_comment

2016-05-01 02:21
Did anyone else paint theirs matte green to look like the Nelson 'F-Bomb' Camaro?

UK Tuppence870 photo_librarymode_comment

2014-06-13 17:44
Make should be "Pozzi Motorsports", since this is an aftermarket Camaro created by them, without any input by Chevrolet.

-- Last edit:
2014-06-13 17:44:34

FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2013-12-08 22:24
This is from SEMA right? I wish they had modelled a stock version instead...

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