1931 Ford Model A

Infos supplémentaires: Touring

Catégorie: Cabriolet

Origine: US Etats-Unis

Véhicule non jouable



Contributeur: Bacony


Auteur Message
Bacony photo_librarymode_comment

2022-01-21 06:16
bensinly a écrit

I actually can't spot it on the image

I would've blown it up like i did on the tractor, but the SMR Terrain Editor doesn't allow you to scale town-based industries. It's next to the brown warehouse thing.

AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

2022-01-20 20:22
Klumb3r a écrit
This is definitely the worst photo on IGCD, the car only occupies 20x24 pixels...

And, I think it's a convertible :think:

It's definitely a contender for one of the worst pictures, lol.

CL Klumb3r photo_librarymode_comment

2022-01-20 19:58
This is definitely the worst photo on IGCD, the car only occupies 20x24 pixels...

And, I think it's a convertible :think:

-- Last edit:
2022-01-20 19:59:44
Bacony photo_librarymode_comment

2022-01-20 19:51
Actually a coupé.

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