1962 Cadillac Sedan DeVille

Surname: Fastlane Goldwater

Mk: 2

Class: Sedan

Origin: US USA

Playable vehicle



Contributor: subzero


Author Message
US packardcaribien photo_librarymode_comment

2012-06-23 04:54
Yep, Fastlane Goldwater. It says it on the side of the car and on billboards.
US CA_NES photo_librarymode_comment

2011-01-14 22:46
surname 'Fastlane Goldwater'

FR takumi photo_librarymode_comment

2009-04-17 19:48
Skid wrote
Definitely a 1962 Cadillac Sedan DeVille.

Good job ;)
US Skid photo_librarymode_comment

2009-04-17 07:39
Definitely a 1962 Cadillac Sedan DeVille.

FI BeanBandit photo_librarymode_comment

2009-04-15 20:12
1962 Cadillac. farm1.static.flickr.com/67/165047382_76060d03c2_o.jpg

MY subzero photo_librarymode_comment

2009-04-15 17:18
SizSkiizd wrote
1963 model Impala, if that's the case. But now that I look closer at it, I can see that its sides slightly elevates, having passed the door, meaning that it's probably got a pair of fins.

It definitely had fins

CA SizSkiizd photo_librarymode_comment

2009-04-15 17:03
We need to see the back to confirm what year it is.
FR Kalu photo_librarymode_comment

2009-04-15 06:08
1961 pour moi

CA SizSkiizd photo_librarymode_comment

2009-04-14 20:09
1963 model Impala, if that's the case. But now that I look closer at it, I can see that its sides slightly elevates, having passed the door, meaning that it's probably got a pair of fins.

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