Manhunt (2003)

Type : Action

Développeur: DMA Design Limited

Editeur: Rockstar Games

Plateformes: PC, PS2, PS3, PS4, Xbox

Véhicules endommageables: Non


  • Véhicules Non Jouables

    Liebherr 952
    Link-Belt LS 98


    Auteur Message
    DE clawdenbob photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-22 22:25
    Yep, i have managed to make some screenshots of that hatchback. As for the rail cart, the subway level just crashes in my case every single time. So, no luck getting any photos of that thing. Anyway, thanks for the tips

    Mathias98 a écrit

    I just watched a playthrough of leaked version, there's also a wrecked hatchback (VW Golf?) on the first scrapyard level and a rail cart on the subway level.

    -- Last edit:
    2024-04-22 22:30:24

    HU Mathias98 photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-18 20:27
    clawdenbob a écrit
    Hello, everyone! Added some removed cars from recenlty leaked Manhunt prototype. So far i have only managed to find two versions of a van, which very much resembles cut Luton truck from GTA 3

    I just watched a playthrough of leaked version, there's also a wrecked hatchback (VW Golf?) on the first scrapyard level and a rail cart on the subway level.

    CZ Aginnon photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-17 14:31
    Mathias98 a écrit
    By the way, remember that photo of a Mitsubishi FTO that I found in the game's files and posted at the bottom of the page?
    I was curious where it came from, and after a bit of searching, I found it on this FTO fansite:

    It's a 1994-1996 Mitsubishi FTO fitted with a VeilSide bodykit.
    DE clawdenbob photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-16 21:56
    Hello, everyone! Added some removed cars from recenlty leaked Manhunt prototype. So far i have only managed to find two versions of a van, which very much resembles cut Luton truck from GTA 3

    AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

    2023-06-27 12:12
    Mathias98 a écrit
    Hi guys! I have recently replayed this game, I'll add a couple of missing vehicles, and also a couple of better screenshots for the page, as some current ones are way too dark or small.

    Great work Mathias. :D

    HU Mathias98 photo_librarymode_comment

    2023-06-25 23:35
    Hi guys! I have recently replayed this game, I'll add a couple of missing vehicles, and also a couple of better screenshots for the page, as some current ones are way too dark or small.
    Also, some vehicles look a bit different on the PS2 version, I'll post them in the comments for comparison.

    By the way, remember that photo of a Mitsubishi FTO that I found in the game's files and posted at the bottom of the page?
    I was curious where it came from, and after a bit of searching, I found it on this FTO fansite:
    US RealCarter photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-06-12 14:54
    Silnev a écrit

    The surnames are only applicable to the cars as they are presented in this game. Regardless if they carried over from a different game.

    Well, it's obvious that GTA III and Manhunt shares the same universe, but yeah, he still shouldn't have done this

    AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-06-12 14:47
    Auto-Friki a écrit
    I have put the nicknames of the respective vehicles that appear in GTA III in Manhunt, since their textures (with some exceptions) are almost identical.

    The surnames are only applicable to the cars as they are presented in this game. Regardless if they carried over from a different game.

    HU Mathias98 photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-06-12 14:05
    Auto-Friki a écrit
    I have put the nicknames of the respective vehicles that appear in GTA III in Manhunt, since their textures (with some exceptions) are almost identical.

    Why did you do that? GTA 3 is a different game than Manhunt, and in this game none of the vehicles have names.

    US AHotWheelsCollector photo_librarymode_comment

    2020-10-12 19:36
    Interesting. I thought the GTA III cover was odd because I thought this was a copyright failure then I realized this game was made by Rockstar Games.

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