Construction Simulator 2 (2017)

Type : Simulation

Développeur: Weltenbaur

Editeur: Astragon

Plateformes: Android, iOS, PC

Véhicules endommageables: Non


  • Commentaires

    Auteur Message

    US flaffel3434 photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-15 21:44
    i'll do Construction simulator (2022) next

    US flaffel3434 photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-15 19:10
    Silnev a écrit

    Hey look dude, edits get accepted when they get accepted. So don't leave comments like this in the future.

    Alright, I won’t. Sorry.

    AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-15 18:09
    flaffel3434 a écrit
    Please approve my edits, thank you.

    Hey look dude, edits get accepted when they get accepted. So don't leave comments like this in the future.

    -- Last edit:
    2024-04-15 18:16:44

    US flaffel3434 photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-15 05:11
    I’ll upload the rest tomorrow, nearly passing out here

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