Modern Warships (2021)

Type : Simulation

Développeur: Artstorm FZE

Editeur: Artstorm FZE

Plateformes: Android, iOS, PC

Véhicules endommageables: Oui


  • Véhicules Jouables

    2015 Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Visakhapatnam-class
    2023 Naval Group Ocean Avenger

    Véhicules Non Jouables



    Auteur Message
    AstonMartin1 photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-01-30 16:11
    Also now available to play on PC, please add PC to playable devices

    -- Last edit:
    2024-01-30 16:20:14

    Fredwig photo_librarymode_comment

    2023-08-26 03:20
    These planes and helicopters are technically playable vehicles. As you can control them and shooting the enemies with them ingame battles

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