The Last of Us Part II (2020)

Type : Jeu de tir à la troisième personne (TPS)

Développeur: Naughty Dog

Editeur: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Plateformes: PS4

Véhicules endommageables: Non


  • Véhicules Non Jouables

    1989 Honda Civic
    2016 Honda Pilot


    Auteur Message

    wezymh photo_librarymode_comment

    2023-11-07 10:48

    US Deathblow photo_librarymode_comment

    2022-09-06 07:31
    plasticbodypanels a écrit
    im taking it upon myself to finish this page
    - someone who genuinely enjoys the game

    you are an unsung hero.

    plasticbodypanels photo_librarymode_comment

    2022-09-05 11:08
    im taking it upon myself to finish this page
    - someone who genuinely enjoys the game

    US Deathblow photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-11-05 00:50
    Dmitry a écrit
    you are not going to list the American M1 Abrams tank , that can be found in Seattle while exploring the downtown area with Dina?

    i’m only adding 2, an unknown hatchback, and a toyota hilux that can be found in the last part of the game.

    RU Dmitry photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-11-02 23:18
    you are not going to list the American M1 Abrams tank , that can be found in Seattle while exploring the downtown area with Dina?

    US Deathblow photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-10-31 05:57
    this page needs to be completed
    CA Flippedoutkyrii photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-10-31 05:37
    If it gets a PC Port? I'll give it a shot then! I've seen much worse narratives, lol. Anyone remember Haze and Ride to Hell?
    LT Domas photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-07-31 15:21
    like i said, hell nah.

    PH Renz203 photo_librarymode_comment

    2021-04-14 15:16
    I love how nobody really wants to complete this page.

    RU Nickolay27PM photo_librarymode_comment

    2020-08-31 14:50
    This game sucks, but we need someone to shot remain cars

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