Bus Simulator: Original (2015)

Type : Simulation

Développeur: Ovidiu Pop

Editeur: Ovidiu Pop

Plateformes: Android, iOS

Véhicules endommageables: Non


  • Véhicules Jouables

    Jelcz-Berliet PR110U


    Auteur Message

    ID Alif R photo_librarymode_comment

    2020-06-23 12:50
    super01 a écrit
    they updated the game,check out
    So the title changes into Bus Simulator : Original and they did some overhaul.New garage background,is there any new buses?
    BR super01 photo_librarymode_comment

    2020-06-23 00:11
    they updated the game,check out

    -- Last edit:
    2020-06-23 00:11:26

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