Far Cry 2 (2008)

Type : Jeu de tir à la première personne (FPS)

Développeur: Ubisoft

Editeur: Ubisoft

Plateformes: PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Véhicules endommageables: Oui


  • Commentaires

    Auteur Message
    YU GAZ_53 photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-06-02 04:20
    There's a tanker version of the ZiL that appears destroyed in one mission
    calebcaleb photo_librarymode_comment

    2022-03-05 12:22
    Aginnon a écrit
    The Jeep Liberty and the Wrangler are the only licensed vehicles in this game.

    but that means then the other contributions are not accurate . like the mercedes and yamaha.

    CZ Aginnon photo_librarymode_comment

    2019-12-30 04:59
    The Jeep Liberty and the Wrangler are the only licensed vehicles in this game.

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