Hot Wheels: Extreme Racing (2001)

Type : Course

Développeur: Atod

Editeur: THQ

Plateformes: PS

Véhicules endommageables: Non


  • Véhicules Jouables

    Hot Wheels Roll Cage
    Hot Wheels Tow Jam
    Hot Wheels Super Modified
    Hot Wheels Double Vision
    Hot Wheels Shadow Jet
    Hot Wheels Humvee
    Hot Wheels Silhouette II
    Hot Wheels Cat-A-Pult

    Véhicules Non Jouables

    Hot Wheels Bi-Sector
    1974 Ford F-250
    Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
    Made for Game Boat

    Circuits ou lieux:

    Accursed Ruins
    Win the 'Easy' Cup
    Burnt-Out Shack
    Win the 'Medium' Cup
    Condemned Factory
    Win the 'Easy' Cup
    Dead Man's Mine
    Win the 'Easy' Cup
    Demolition Site
    Win the 'Medium' Cup
    Frozen Wasteland
    Win the 'Medium' Cup
    Pier 29
    Rad Shaft
    Win the 'Easy' Cup
    Rattlesnake Gultch
    Win the 'Medium' Cup
    Toxic Dump
    Wasted Forest


    Auteur Message

    AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

    2024-04-26 16:47
    Entry Complete.

    This was one of my childhood games and wow, playing it again you realize just how much they spread out the content. Not surprised it seems to be completely the gameplay leaves alot to be desired.

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