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Uralvagonzavod T-72

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
Made for Game

WarLord wrote

Башня с мелким дальномером - явно с Т-64А. Пушка с эжектором у самого дула - явно Д-10Т с танка Т-55. щучий нос от ИС-3. Ходовая, судя по опорный каткам, вдохновлена Т-72. Корма вообще явной привязки не имеет, а доп. баки так и вовсе не крепились так никогда.
UAZ 3150

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
JFK wrote

I would say whole front than a bonnet, but yes, rest of the body is GAZ 67. I thought that they made 2 door verson of 469.

Nope. UAZ-469 is onlu 4-door. 2-door (and yes, body from old GAZ-67) is Made for Game.
Uralvagonzavod T-72

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
Made for game. T-55 turret on T-64 chasis with IS-3 front.

-- Last edit:
2015-09-12 18:25:24
UAZ 3150

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
Gaz-67 with UAZ-469 bonnet.
ZiL 4334

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
Ural + Kraz-266 grill
Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark

Mad Max (2015)
KZ 1000?
Chevrolet Advance-Design 3100

Mad Max (2015)
Holden FJ Utility
ZiL 133G

Truck Driver 3D: Offroad (2015)
Ural 4320

Truck Driver 3D: Offroad (2015)
Ural 4320

Mad Max (2015)
VW Beetle

Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath (2005)
pingu wrote
Centurion marksman

Chrysler M60A3 'Patton'

Beyond: Two Souls (2013)
Detroit Arsenal M60A3
Trabant 601

Paper Cars (2011)
JFK wrote

That is true. It would be harder to find it on site, because everyone knows Trabant as a "brand" and not "model". Also, nothing apart from "S" in a circle badge wouldnt suggest that it is made by company called different than Trabant. But it is definatly a mistake. And last note to Kombi/Universal - for me it will be always Universal, for you it will be always Kombi, and we wouldnt agree on it to end of universe.

"S" in circle badge for "Sachsenring Automobilwerke". VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke - full name of carplant which produce trabants. VEB - from "Volkseigener Betrieb" (ger. "Peoples plant"). All plants in DDR was a state-owned and all of it was marked as "VEB [enter the name of maker]".

About Universal-Combi, it can be explained by the fact, that in Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Hungary Trabants was exported as a part of one 601 model (after 1968, as i read in some manuals). To Poland this car was exported under those DDR-origin name. To Soviet Union Trabants was officialy never exported. So, most weastern peoples first see Trabant not in East Germany, but in Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia.
Trabant 601

Paper Cars (2011)
JFK wrote
Interesting. In one of my dad´s car magazine from 1970s, this car was called Universal. In second-hand car sales is this car refered as Universal. In german wikipedia, which is most accurate, since Trabant is from DDR, is this car called Universal. In IMCDb is this car called Universal. Kombi version of the succesor Trabant 1.1 is also called everywhere Universal. Even the VAZ 2101 was here called Universal and not Kombi. I guess it changed with some year from Kombi to Universal, because when I google it, there are Universals everywhere.

VAZ-2102 (VAZ-2101 is sedan) originaly marked as Universal, like soviet GAZ-22 and GAZ-24-02 (universal versions of GAZ-21 Volga and GAZ-24). Combi in USSR was Izh-1500 and this was aсtually hatchback but not universal (in USSR Combi (рус. Комби) = Hatchback. Same situation was in some other eastern-block states. In german language, universal = combi (kombi).

Anyway, Trabant 601 Combi - is a name but not a type of the vehicle. Named Trabant Combi as "Trabant Universal" - is like to badged Ford LTD as "Ford sedan" for example. And i find some polish owner's manual for Trabant vehicles (1980's). Trabant 601 Combi is marked "Trabant 601 Combi".

And the greatest mistake - Trabant - is a model. Make is VEB Sachsenring. Correctly to badge all of Trabant on this site as "VEB Trabant 601".

-- Last edit:
2015-07-20 23:36:01
Trabant 601

Paper Cars (2011)
Universal - is a body-type. 601 Combi (sometimes "Kombi") - not a type but name of this car. Well, the czech leflet marked this car as "Trabant 601 Combi":

Anyway, in soviet block countries some hatchback-cars was badged as "Kombi" too.

P.S. and yes, on IGCD we can see mistakes, whick became a standart. For example, soviet tank T-34-85 always marked as produced by KhPZ, but in real life KhPZ never produce this vehicle. Someone made a mistake in determining the vehicle - another one copy after him. That's a mistake, and has become the standard.

-- Last edit:
2015-07-20 22:01:33
Trabant 601

Paper Cars (2011)
JFK wrote
Yup. Kombi is called Universal, so it is Trabant 601 Universal

Universal - is a US\Western Europe class of vehicles. Konbi - is a simular class on old german (pre-1945 and GDR-era) and soviet. Well, Kombi is more correct to Trabant.
Trabant 601

Paper Cars (2011)
Trabant 601 Kombi
Jeep Cherokee

Car Jack Streets (2008)
Lada Niva 4x4 (black plactic grille, short base)?
Chrysler M47 'Patton II'

World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks (2000)
strike9 wrote
It might be a t34.....but Idk...

Not T-34. More looks like M47 Patton II
GAZ 3102 Volga

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (2013)
ZiL Karatel

ArmA III (2013)
WarLord wrote
Kamaz Falcatus

Когда игра создавалась, "Каратель" был ещё "Карателем", а не "Фалкатусом".
ZiL Karatel
MIAG Jagdpanzer V

Czech Racer (2005)
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
Admins, change this to UVZ T-55M
Iveco Daily

ArmA III (2013)
sckwall wrote
Uralvagonzavod T-90A

Tom Clancy's EndWar (2008)
Atty.RestyBoholJr. wrote
In my theory; it is based on the T-90MS.

At the time when this game was released, T-90MS was not exist.

BBC Battlefield Academy (2010)
Make is ChTZ
VAZ 21011 Zhiguli

World in Conflict (2007)
Paul Spain wrote
Hmmn..Looks more like a Volga M24 than a Lada 2101.

VAZ 2101. LADA - export name. And obviously no Volga.
Bedford QL

BBC Battlefield Academy (2010)
Morris CS8
LuAZ 969 М

Motor World: Car Factory (2015)
1979 LuAZ-969М
GAZ 3937 'Vodnik'

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (2011)
carcrasher88 wrote

True fact, as the Vodnik was created during the middle of the last decade, clearly not Soviet.

Desighned in 1999. Entered to service (limited) in 2005. All post-1991 GAZ, ZIL, KAMAZ, Ural - made in Russia, not USSR.
GAZ 3937 'Vodnik'

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (2011)
Origin is Russia. Not USSR.
Rod Bods Downunder Elvis

Mad Max (2015)
GMC 6, as marked in movie site:
Citroën 7

Mad Max (2015)
I gues 1937 Ford from the movie.
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
Admins, change it to UVZ T-55M.
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
WarLord wrote its t-55

Agreed. T-55
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
TheHeartbreakKid15 wrote
We never see the engine... how could you possibly know it doesn't have the correct one..?

Just look at the rear of this tank. Game model's rear you can see above (T-55 rear for compare). Rear of T-62:
The bulg in a lower right corner - is specific only for T-62, not for T-54\\55 and it's foreight variations.

Another detail - gap between first and second wheels is specific only for T-54 variations. T-62 chasis don't have this gap.

-- Last edit:
2015-05-21 14:08:13
Made for Game Fire Truck

BioShock Infinite (2013)
car-dude44 wrote
That thing is without a doubt an American fire truck, but in Paris...?

In 2011 demo this scene was set in 1984 New-York. That explain american fire truck.
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
TheHeartbreakKid15 wrote
It has the correct T62 fume extractor which is different to the T55 though.

But don't have correct fjr T-62 turret, engine, chasis... It's T-55.
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
TheHeartbreakKid15 wrote
When they get destroyed, they turn into the T55 from the first Black Ops.

Actually, this model is some remodeled model of T-55 from first Black Ops (another textures, rubber skirts).
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
Отличить Т-54\\55 от Тип 69 довольно просто: у Т-54\\55 буксировочные крючья расположены ближе к центру кормовой плиты. У Тип 69 крючья расположены ближе к бортам, к ведущим \"звёздочкам\":

Задняя плита игровой модели:

Тип 69:
Как видно, крюки (подсвечено красным) расположены ближе к центру плиты. Следовательно, это Т-55М или Т-54Б после капремонта, а не Тип 69. И да, это действительно не Т-62: у Т-62 в правой части кормовой плиты имеется внизу \"отросток\".

-- Last edit:
2015-05-19 23:37:48
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
WarLord wrote
и скорее всего прототипом для игровой модели послужили тип-69 иракской армии, потому что они на танки наносили красные треугольники, и на игровой модели есть красный треугольник.

А с чего Тип 69 тогда? Такие резиновые экраны ставили и на Т-55М и Т-55АМ поздних выпусков, в Афганской войне использовались и прошедшие капремонт Т-54Б с таким же обвесом:

Тип-69 использовались же с родными китайскими экранами. Красный треугольник - знак отличия, их рисовали и на китайских и на советских и на польских танках в иракской армии. Так что тут скорее Т-54Б.

-- Last edit:
2015-05-19 23:05:34
Uralvagonzavod T-55

Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
WarLord wrote
Admin where are you? change it please.

It's T-62.

Это Т-62. Катки у модели расположены равномерно, как у Т-62, а не как у Т-54\59\69. Брезентовые экраны тоже советского образца, а не треугольные китайские. Так что тут всё верно, кроме разве что узковатой башни и сгоревшей модели от Т-55 из предыдущей части.
Willys-Overland CJ-1

Mafia II (2010)
Tuppence870 wrote
There's still reason to be skeptical though. The in-game brand "Walter" appears to be Willys (their other car is the Walter Coupe, a Willys Americar) and this vehicle is likely based on the Willys Jeep, but with the typical minor changes we see on unlicenced vehicles in gaming. Coincidentally those changes may have brought the grille closer to the Datsun's grille, but I doubt the developers had the Datsun in mind when creating this vehicle.

1) Game model's grille is a copy of Dutsuns'grille;
2) Actually, grille is the only visual difference between americal Willys and its japanese copy. In this fact, 90% that this car is Dutsun;
3) Civil variant of 4W60 was never consist IRL, but military original was in active use during Korean War. Game model of Walter Utility is just a little changed copy of Walter Military;
4) Developers can don't know about 4W60 and they just see photo of this car and think that it's a one of the Willys MB variations. Same developers name GAZ-67 as "GAZ-69" in Vietcong and describe ZiS-151 as "Soviet copy of M35". Well, they dont know much about military cars.
Willys-Overland CJ-1

Mafia II (2010)
JFK wrote
And what about game setting? Japan and USA were enemies, and I highly doubt that DLC War Hero is about some WWII enemy vehicles.

1) Nissan Patrol - licence-build of Willys MB which was produced in Japan for american military in Japan and Korea. Some of this cars was later saled yo civilians in USA;
2) It's a game. Same incorrect as MG-42 on italian-american gangster service.
Willys-Overland CJ-1

Mafia II (2010)
1951 Datsun Patrol 4W60

Willys MB 'Jeep'

Mafia II (2010)
1951 Datsun Patrol 4W60


The Bureau: XCOM Declassified (2013)
Ural 375 D

Counter Strike: Condition Zero (2004)
sovietunion wrote
Looks like to KrAZ!

Урал это. Сделай скидку на движок 99-года. Да и фары как бы от Урала.
Bedford RL

Dark Sector (2008)
Admins, change it to Bedford RL
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ... | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23