1976 Cadillac Eldorado

Surname: Esperanto

Mk: 7

Class: Coupé

Origin: US USA

Playable vehicle



Contributor: G-MANN

Contributor: PhoeniX98


Author Message

PL sajmon14 photo_librarymode_comment

2015-01-06 21:33
rear shot should be replaced, it's a mod

CZ JFK photo_librarymode_comment

2015-01-06 19:08
What is complete waste of time?

Trying brakes.

US Black Bart photo_librarymode_comment

2011-08-07 22:18
Grandtheftwiki is not always correct.

US Black Bart photo_librarymode_comment

2008-12-25 23:09
1977 model.
US CA_NES photo_librarymode_comment

2007-05-10 05:03
Any pics of the purple esperanto?
UK G-MANN photo_librarymode_comment

2006-11-08 15:27
The first Esperanto is a real land yacht, longer and with worse handling than it's successors in Vice City and San Andreas.

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