2000 Saturn SL1

Class: Sedan

Origin: US USA

Unplayable vehicle



Contributor: RacingFreak


Author Message
Desi photo_librarymode_comment

2021-09-30 19:09
Its actually an SL1 or SL, as in game it lacks the reflector bar on the trunk that the SL2s had. You obviously cant see it in that image but its easily visible in any of the driving sections in game. Here's a timestamped video showing the rear of it youtu.be/yP79FInR8j8?t=87

UK ta-caprice-xi photo_librarymode_comment

2012-01-10 15:28
I thought about what crown vic guy said about it possibly being an oldsmobile, and I remembered this www.imcdb.org/vehicle_6751-Oldsmobile-Aurora-2001.html - I never noticed how similar the Aurora and the SL2 are until now. Regardless, the shape of this car and the front end seem closer to the SL2.


-- Last edit:
2012-01-10 15:29:24
US Geoman photo_librarymode_comment

2012-01-09 03:18
It is a Saturn, 2000's SL2

BR crown vic guy br photo_librarymode_comment

2012-01-09 00:48
I was thinkin in a Oldsmobile, but the Saturn makes more sense

UK ta-caprice-xi photo_librarymode_comment

2012-01-08 22:24
200-2002 Saturn SL2, or S-series, not sure of the official name.

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