1962 MAZ 543

Surname: SCUD Launcher

Extra info: 9К72

Class: Military armored vehicle

Origin: RS USSR

Playable and unlockable vehicle
: Avaliable from GLA's Arms Dealer, requires a Promotion Point, and is not available to Prince Kassad.



Contributor: Kirov-MG


Author Message
ID RVR72GV photo_librarymode_comment

2012-06-24 01:43
"Shall I push the button?"

-- Last edit:
2012-06-24 05:43:30
RU 3loader photo_librarymode_comment

2012-05-15 17:48
Its 543, not -543.
RU 3loader photo_librarymode_comment

2012-01-07 16:24
Remove the "-". Just MAZ 534 as others.

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