1988 Peugeot 405 Turbo 16 Pikes Peak

Class: Racecar

Origin: FR France

Playable and downloadable vehicle
: DLC VIP Pass



Contributor: Star Wars Fanatic

Contributor: Burn Rubber

Contributor: Burn Rubber


Author Message

AR PurpleRain666 photo_librarymode_comment

2022-06-02 20:52
fontheking5 wrote
Yes very sad to see all these fantastic cars being dlc and not in the game from the start .

Sadly, the developers said that this car is a downoloadable vehicle
SE fontheking5 photo_librarymode_comment

2011-08-09 14:45
Yes very sad to see all these fantastic cars being dlc and not in the game from the start .

-- Last edit:
2011-08-09 14:45:22
DE m.pfaffeneder photo_librarymode_comment

2011-07-02 22:33
Itīs a download vehicle.

FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2011-06-19 19:54
Reminds me of V-Rally 2... :D

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