Made for Game Bus

Surname: King Long

Class: Single-deck

Playable vehicle



Contributor: The Hot Hatch Wonder

Contributor: The Hot Hatch Wonder


Author Message
The Hot Hatch Wonder photo_librarymode_comment

2024-09-02 15:21
Lharles Ceclerc wrote

So you Should be Listed "King Long unknown"

but I m sure this thing is 'Made for game'

CN Lharles Ceclerc photo_librarymode_comment

2024-09-01 12:35
The Hot Hatch Wonder wrote
trust me, from what i know to Chinese made buses, this is NOT a design that exists in real life, the developers used some of the 00s era King Long buses and coaches design merged onto this weird looking thing, but remained with King Long badge on it.

So you Should be Listed "King Long unknown"

-- Last edit:
2024-09-02 05:26:17
The Hot Hatch Wonder photo_librarymode_comment

2024-09-01 10:57
trust me, from what i know to Chinese made buses, this is NOT a design that exists in real life, the developers used some of the 00s era King Long buses and coaches design merged onto this weird looking thing, but remained with King Long badge on it.

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