1984 FSO Polonez

Surname: 1984 The Doggo XR

Extra info: 2000 Turbo Rally

Chassis: B03

Class: Racecar

Origin: PL Poland

Playable and downloadable vehicle
: The Doggo Update



Contributor: Place-Holder


Author Message

PolishVaporDude photo_librarymode_comment

2023-11-14 10:01
stryder237 wrote
FSO Polonez? I don't think there was a two-door rally car but there was a two-door sold.

A two door Rally Polonez did exist and it was driven in rallies.
stryder237 photo_librarymode_comment

2023-11-12 09:59
FSO Polonez? I don't think there was a two-door rally car but there was a two-door sold.

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